Contact Us

We have a social media presence and you can find us by clicking on the logos below. Alternatively you can email us at



To enquire about membership of the RN Veterans MCC you should either come up and say hello to us at one of the many events or rallies we attend throughout the year or email and one of the Club Officers will contact you to arrange a meeting.

If it is decided that you have the right attitude to potentially ride and party with us you may be invited to join.

The joining process will take as long as it takes and prospective members should not expect to receive Full Member's Colours without earning the right to wear them.

During a prospective member's joining process we will get to know you just as you will get to know the Club and its Members.

Proof of Service will be required and you must own and legally be able to ride a motorcycle capable of maintaining continuous motorway speeds.

Due to the political situation within the biking community, and wishing to survive as a patched MCC in the United Kingdom, we don't recruit anyone who was a member of the regulating branch, nor those serving, or have served, in the Police Force, Prison Service or Customs Service. This is not a slight on you nor your profession of choice it is just a matter of survival in the biking world.